The Emerald Warriors: Promoting LGBTQ Inclusive Rugby in Ireland

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Dublin’s LGBTQ inclusive rugby club, the Emerald Warriors, tell us how they are managing their players well being throughout covid, how members benefit from being a part of the club, and what they aim to achieve in the future.

How have the Warriors adjusted to coping with Covid over the last few months? 

Like everyone else, we’ve found this new normal particularly tough, but we’ve risen to the challenge. As a collective, we’ve taken our training online, ensured each member connects with members they’d not know in our club,  held social events online with two very successful Drag Bingo fundraisers (over the club Zoom) raising funds for BeLongTo, took part in the 'Feed the Heros’ virtual run fundraiser event, and also held our AGM online in September. 

How are yourself and the players managing your wellbeing during the latest lockdown?

We keep to a scheduled training, under the IRFU Covid guidelines, outdoor when possible, and online workout events (with Ant and Ali). Our coaches have set out homework for players. Results are posted into our team groups, ensuring good regular connection and communication. 

We’ve set up a Covid sub group, who are trained in this area, and if any member has a Covid concern they email this group. In a similar manner we have a Welfare team who are working in the background if any members are struggling during this or any time. This does not necessarily need to be Covid related. 

We also have our welfare program, Folláine, and currently we have five planned events covering areas such as financial well-being and nutrition. 

In what ways do you think club members benefit from being a member of the Warriors?

By getting to meet like minded people, whether that's members who join to play or just enjoy rugby. The  support systems we have put in place adds another layer of health and well being. We’re a social group - a family, which so many of our members realise the value of the club and it keeps us smiling on the dark days.

What kind of challenges do you think need to be overcome to make the sport of rugby a more inclusive sport for all?

Greater visibility from the top down - sporting federations, rugby partners, right the way through to the bottom up, with grass roots rugby at local level. Ensuring there are continued strong LGBT+ allies and champions for change in rugby and in sport in Ireland - we’ve come so far but so much further to go. 

Furthermore, the need to contribute to a knowledge bank and further research on the areas of inclusivity and LGBT+ participation in sport.

What are the long term goals of the Emerald Warriors and what steps need to be taken to achieve them? 

We are working hard on our three to five year plan with our members and stakeholders which includes; having our own home grounds, expanding our rugby offering, establishing a touch rugby team, bringing more of our community to the game, expanding on our wellbeing, and offering the best in coaching and development for our members to excel on and off the pitch.  Adding to research in LGBT+ in sport, and being a voice for diversity and inclusion in rugby and sport overall is another goal for us. We also aim to host international events, giving greater sustainability for the club to carry us forward. 

How to become a member:

If you'd like to get involved as a player or a pavilion member (non playing / social), please go to our website and see how to join, we look forward to welcoming you on board!



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